

Lesson 3: The Trivialization of Marriage

Introduction: As we witness the moral disintegration of the western culture (cf. Rom. 1:18-32), we must acknowledge that marriage is being trivialized in our country and more than a few Christians have numbered among the casualties.

  1. The institution of marriage is in trouble! (Matthew 19:4-6)
    • Unbelievers are ridiculing the Biblical teaching on marriage (cf. Isa.5:20).
    • The music, TV, and film media are repeatedly sending powerful messages that are far removed from Biblical principles regarding marriage.
    • Even professed believers, by their poor marriages and scandalous sexual promiscuity, are doing little to support and communicate the Biblical message about marriage as God designed it.
  2. Our culture has separated sexual activity from marriage.
    • Sexual immorality has become the rule rather than the exception in our culture.
    • "Flee fornication!" (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:13-20) has given way to a society that wants to help young people have "safe sex" (cf. Eph.5:3-5).
  3. Our culture has separated childbirth from marriage.
    • Unwed pregnancy and childbirth has lost its stigma (even among some Christians).
    • God intended for children to be born into the context of a home with a mother and a father (cf. Gen.4:1); and departure from this principle was regarded as a most serious offense in the eyes of God (cf. Deut.23:2).
  4. Our culture has separated cohabitation from marriage.
    • From college campuses to retirement homes (among the young and the old), unmarried cohabitation is generally accepted.
    • Cohabiting couples ignore one of the fundamental purposes of marriage (1 Cor.7:1-2).
  5. Our culture has separated gender from marriage, (cf. Matthew 19:4)
    • Our culture has separated sex from marriage; thus, the kind of sex in marriage becomes less important.
    • Our culture has separated childbearing from marriage; thus, the need for plurality of gender in marriage becomes less important.
    • If, in fact, our culture is successful in removing the gender component from marriage ... beware of what is coming!

Conclusion: The cultural assault on marriage is serious, and Christians have an enormous responsibility to both proclaim and model God's truth on marriage. We must carefully study and embrace the Biblical teaching on marriage, and we must courageously stand up and speak up for truth. Marriage is worth fighting for!