

Genesis 14: Everybody Needs an Abram

“Then they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their provisions, and went their way. They also took Lot, Abram’s brother’s son who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed.” (Genesis 14:11-12)

Much like the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, Genesis 13 sees Lot separating himself from Abram to venture off to his own far country—in his case, toward the sinful city of Sodom. Unfortunately, like in the prodigal story, things soon turned south of Abram’s nephew. An alliance of kings attacked the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and overcame them. Lot and his family were captured in the fighting, victims of uncontrolled forces around them and his own foolish decision to venture too close to the wicked cities. In truth, Lot and his family were always in danger because of their move; this action just made that danger a reality they could actualize and experience.

Abram, his uncle, however, was compassionate toward his imprudent relative. When he learned of the situation, he gathered a force of 318 servants, set out after Lot and rescued he, his family and all his goods. Lot was saved.

How easy might it have been for Abram to write off his foolish nephew? To shake his head and say, “That’s too bad…”, but do nothing about it and go about his own life?

About as easy as it is for us. We all know people who have recklessly left the Lord for the allurement of the world, only to have these allurements soon lose their luster. We have heard of brethren who have begun to struggle with the consequences of their decisions.

Everybody needs an Abram. Someone who won’t forget about them. Someone who will come after them when they find themselves in danger. Someone who will help and have mercy, not pass judgment and offer lectures. Will you and I be that Abram? Will we care about those who have wandered away and not forget about them? I must confess, I’ve forgotten about people all too often. After all, out of sight, out of mind, right? Well, not for Abram, and we must discipline ourselves enough to say, not for us, either.

Be an Abram today. Think about a brother or sister who has gone off toward Sodom. Don’t even limit it to them; think about brethren who are struggling, not because of foolish decisions, but just because life is hard in this wicked world. Remember them; pray for them; maybe even reach out to them. Let them know they are not forgotten and that you still care. Because, one day you may need an Abram to ride to your rescue as well.

Let’s apply this to our lives.